There are however other management domains that there
is less attention and criticism. Take for example the area of Industry
structure where the 5-forces theory of M. Porter dominates the thought and
practice since the 70’s. Looking a bit closer to this classic management holy
grail one can wonder how relevant are the 5 forces today for defining the
industry attractiveness and structure: In many of the globalised, online and 24/7 industries most analysts would
have a great difficulty to identify who are the customers exactly let alone
assess their relative strength to the business. Most industries, mainly (but
not exclusively) in the information-based domain, are not any more able to keep
track of competitive threats and even follow substitute products that can be produced and
offered online outside any established and controlled channels. Next to inability
to effectively protect products and intellectual property in some industries it
is very difficult if not impossible to predict new entrants or identify even
strategies that secure competitive advantages. In the era of the social media
and customer empowerment only very clear mono-strategies like low price are giving a
(temporary) competitive advantage before a cheaper competitor appears. All other
claims and operations of businesses are under continuous scrutiny and review by customers who
do not accept any more anything that they perceive as unethical, secret or push.
Another area that conventional
academic wisdom seems to ignore is the area of innovation. The good old theory
of Evert Rogers (first proposed in 1962) on innovation diffusion is still a
standard element of every marketing management handbooks. But is in 2013
innovation following this curve in its diffusion? The increasing customer
participation in the innovation process (often described as co-creation or
crowdsourcing) and the often hyped adoption of innovations have substantially disrupted
the innovation diffusion, making it a short and intensive process rather than a
S-shaped process that reaches various segments in different time intervals. Innovation
adoption depends to a great extend today on (social media ) influencers and
user networks: Having the right influencers talking (not pitching) your product
to the right networks or social media communicators will produce quick and low
cost results in introducing a new product or service.There can be more areas where a critical review of the theory is necessary offering quite a few opportunities for open-minded researchers. Hopefully we will hear about them more in the future.