With some delay I hope to publish my new post this week. The reason for the delay this time was the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends I attended last week in a rainy but always beautiful Venice. A congress with interesting workshops and papers but mainly a congress known for the unique feature: 6 official languages!
Many colleagues from mainly European countries and many participants from the business world. A very good opportunity for networking and meeting people you know.
Living for even a few days at the center of Venice among the locals and far from the touristic routes is a unique experience if only for the fact that you do not hear the sounds we are used to: Motor cars! Nothing on wheels is allowed in Venice, not even bicycles.

During a short tour in the tiny island of Murano, the center of the crystal industry of Italy, I was very impressed by the craftsmanship of the crystal workers and also by a crustal turtle priced 25.000 Euro (I could get it for the friendly price of 15.000 including postage if I wanted!!!). In my question who would buy such a thing our host told me that the main customers are the Russian and Chinese, the nouveau riche of today. Talking with the host I also learned that the Murano crystal masters are not interested to sell their products on line! The customer wants to see and touch the product before buying it. I was not convinced.
During a short tour in the tiny island of Murano, the center of the crystal industry of Italy, I was very impressed by the craftsmanship of the crystal workers and also by a crustal turtle priced 25.000 Euro (I could get it for the friendly price of 15.000 including postage if I wanted!!!). In my question who would buy such a thing our host told me that the main customers are the Russian and Chinese, the nouveau riche of today. Talking with the host I also learned that the Murano crystal masters are not interested to sell their products on line! The customer wants to see and touch the product before buying it. I was not convinced.