February 9, 2019

Call for the High Technology Small Firms Conference (HTSF) 2019 in the University of Twente

I’m pleased to share with you the call for papers of the High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference that will be held at the University of Twente on 27-28 May 2019.

This year the HTSF Conference dedicates a special session on Consumer Behavior in Digitally Enabled Environments, organized by our UT research team working on the Digital Transformation and in particular the changing consumer behavior, and the identification of new approaches in comprehending and responding to the customer behavior change.

The special session focuses on unique, innovative and practically applicable research, practices and insights into the behavioral change of customers as consumers of products and services under the influence of the digital transformation. The impact of the digital transformation on customer behavior is visible in new forms of customer journeys, new types and sources of influence, new forms of marketing communication and new customer decision-making patterns.

The special session is in line with a number of issues shaping the research agenda of the Marketing, as these are specified in the Marketing Science Institute’s (MSI) research priorities for 2018-2020[1] under the umbrella topic Cultivating the Customer Asset.  In that respect, we welcome abstracts of papers related to topics like the following (indicative topics):
1. Characterizing and analyzing the Customer Journey along the purchase funnel
2. Investigating new roles of customers as networked customers and co-creators
3. Strategies to influence the customer journey
4. The Customer -Technology interface, bridging the gap of online and off-line
5. Macro-trends influencing Customer Decision Making

The methodology can be theoretical, empirical or drawing from the practice, especially drawing from entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, sustainability, business, management, economics, and other social sciences, but transdisciplinary approaches are also encouraged.

Contributions from scholars, practitioners, and young researchers are welcome!
The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 March 2019 in the following link
You can find the general and detailed information on the 2019  HTSF  Conference and the Call for Papers, at the UT HTSF Conference website.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any further information on the SBM special session, and apologies for any cross-posting.

I look forward to seeing you at the University of Twente next May.

Dr. Efthymios Constantinides
Assistant Professor Digital Marketing

Email:                         e.constantinides@utwente.nl

My Web Page:          https://people.utwente.nl/e.constantinides

Phone (work):            0031 – 534893799

Mobile:                      0031 6 48779153