Last week our Social Media Research Center (SOMERE) in cooperation with SOGETI organized the SOMERE Day that takes place every half year. We were guests of the Crossmedia Lab of the Hogeschool Utrecht. Many of the students doing research in Social Media in the University of Twente and many students from Utrecht as well as people from the field attended the session. The afternoon meeting included a short speech of the Lab Lector Harry van Vliet and my colleague and initiator of SOMERE Sjoerd de Vries. I must say that the work of the colleagues in Utrecht is impressive and their web site (fully in English) was a surprise for me. I gave also a short presentation about my research, together with two of our students who spoke about the findings in their Master Thesis on social Media and knowledge management and politics. A representative of the ABNAMRO bank told us about the banks plans to introduce Social Media as knowledge management platform and a presentation of Erik Hekman about the Lab’s research on cultural heritage and Social Media. A panel discussion followed moderated by Menno van Doorn from SOGETI. A very interesting day indeed.