Did you ever thought that MASHABLE can be more influential than the CNN? This is the case at least if we define the influence on the basis of Twitter-created networks. An interesting study titled The Influentials: New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter, created measures for relative influence, analysing 12 influential Twitter users. Authors: Alex Leavitt, Evan Burchard, David Fisher and Sam Gilbert (Web Ecology Project, 2 September 2009)
Summary of Findings
The analysis suggests that on Twitter, among various configurable conclusions:
> Mashable is more influential than CNN.
> Sockington is more influential than MCHammer, while MCHammer is more influential than three major social media analysts (garyvee, Scobleizer, and chrisbrogan).
> Celebrities with higher follower totals (eg., THE_REAL_SHAQ and ijustine) foster more conversation than provide retweetable content.
> News outlets, regardless of follower count, influence large amounts of followers to republish their content to other users.